Sydney, Australia
The 19th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) provides an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia. Read More


Research Showcase

The SEA-HAZEMON@TEIN project has been awarded in the 3rd call of Asi@Connect program. The project aims to deploy low-cost air quality...
Net2Home is one of the most successful Community Network (CN) projects in Thailand, bringing significant impact and improvement to people’s...
The Low-cost Real-time Monitoring of Haze Air Quality asdDisasters in Rural Communities in Thailand and Southeast Asia (SEA-HAZEMON) is sponsored...
The Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab) envisions R&D efforts towards Vehicular Cloud Services (VCS) to answer the challenges in...
In 2014, ICTP AIT NSRC Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop [] is hosted in AIT. Several wireless sensors are built and...
A rural community wireless mesh network in Mae-Sot, Tak, Thailand initiated in 2013.



The concept of establishing a fixed location for the internet human resources development has been discussed and endorsed by leading Asia-Pacific Internet organizations at their AP*Retreat meeting at AIT in year 2000. Several leading research institutions in Asia-Pacific.Europe and the US have indicated their interests in forming up a network of support for intERLab research,training and education. The core component of the laboratory will be on research activities. This will be achieved by maintaining excellent research facilities and staff,hosting visiting researchers and taking advantage of linkages with research laboratories worldwide. To accommodate the emerging impact of the Internet in development context, the laboratory will concentrate not only on technical issues but also on business and social aspects. The main functions of intERLab are:
To concentrate on being the center with up-to-date information on the Internet development and related information of the region

To concentrate on being the center with up-to-date information on the Internet development and related information of the region

To provide training programs to enhance the skills of existing infrastructure engineers and technologists

To provide training programs to enhance the skills of existing infrastructure engineers and technologists

To educate policy makers and government employees of the applications of the Internet.

To educate policy makers and government employees of the applications of the Internet.

To update education specialists regarding e-learning technologies

To update education specialists regarding e-learning technologies

To raise the awareness of the development and social workers of the social impacts of the technology

To raise the awareness of the development and social workers of the social impacts of the technology

To bring the new business practices and their legal implications to the attention of lawyers, business practitioners and professionals

To bring the new business practices and their legal implications to the attention of lawyers, business practitioners and professionals

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