On Monday, the 10th of October, 2022 the intERLab team invited participants from Sithiphorn Associates Co.,Ltd, the Department of Public Health (Thammasat University), and AI Center (AIT) for a training workshop.

The purpose of this workshop was to train the participants on how they can use the components of the device sensor HAZEMON, through the utilization of the Canarin BoxSet, to measure the dust particles in the air on the วัดฝุ่น.ไทย platform. The participants also learnt about the IoT network architecture of the dust sensor.
The training was conducted by Dr. Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee who has been closely working on the HAZEMON projects, and was the perfect person for this tutorial. Moreover, he helped the participants understand how to check the working status and performed a demonstration of the equipment, as well as the recommended sensor installations.