26th Asian School

Venue: intERLab, AIT
November  16-17, 2015
Time: 9:00-17:00
Number of Participants:
Registration Fee: 100 USD
Registration: Click Here
Participants are advised to bring their own laptop computers for hands-on lab exercises.
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The Asian School of Computer Science is conducted annually by Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. The purpose of the school is to provide short courses conducted by leading experts in the computer science fields enabling local participations from the Asia Pacific region.


Topics: IoT and Big Data Analytics

IoT-LAB: a First Class Scientific Tool for Large Scale IoT Experiments
Speaker: Professor Eric Fleury, ENS de Lyon, France



We present a precise description IoT-LAB. IoT-LAB provides a very large scale infrastructure facility suitable for testing small wireless sensor devices and heterogeneous communicating objects. IoT-LAB features over 2700 wireless sensor nodes spread across six different sites in France.  Nodes are either fixed or mobile and can be allocated in various topologies throughout all sites.  A variety of wireless sensors are available, with different processor architectures (MSP430, STM32 and Cortex-A8) and different wireless chips (802.15.4 PHY @ 800 MHz or 2.4 GHz).  In addition, “open nodes” can receive custom wireless sensors for inclusion in IoT-LAB testbed.


IoT-LAB's main and most important goal is to offer an accurate open access multi-users scientific tool to support the design, development tuning, and experimentation of real large-scale sensor network/IoT applications. The hardware and software architectures that allow to reserve, configure, deploy embedded software, boot wireless sensor nodes and gather experimental data and monitoring information are described in detail. We also present demonstration examples to illustrate the use of the IoT-LAB testbed.

IoT-LAB is part of the FIT experimental platform, a set of complementary components that enable experimentation on innovative services for academic and industrial users.  The project -Future Internet of Things (FIT) – is one of 52 winning projects from the first wave of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research’s “Équipementsd’Excellence” (Equipex) research grant programme. The FIT project gives French Internet stakeholders a way to experiment with mobile wireless communications, both on network and application layers, thereby accelerating the design of advanced networking technologies for the Future Internet.


Big Data Analysis
Speaker: Professor Kavé Salamatian, Université de Savoie,  France

We introduce the participant to modeling and processing of big data. We will first introduce MapReduce and Hadoop as a flexible tools for analyzing large dataset. We thereafter will describe algorithmic for big data analysis and models calibrations. We will describe locality-sensitive hashing, sparse matrix, dimensionality reduction and illustrate using recommender systems and computational advertisement. Topics of the course include MapReduce, Hadoop, Locality-Sensitive Hashing -- Basics + Applications, Distance Measures, Nearest Neighbors, Frequent Itemsets, Data Stream Mining, Analysis of Large Graphs, Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering, Computational Advertisingm, Recommender Systems.


About the Speakers:

Eric Fleury is a professor at ENS Lyon, Computer Science Department since 2007. The ENS Lyon is one of the four Ecolesnormalessupérieures in France (more about ENS Lyon...).. Eric Fleury is the scientific leader of the INRIA D-NET research team / INRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes research centers . D-NET team is located at ENS Lyon and hosted by IXXI. Eric is also in the scientific board and in the steering comitee of the IXXI: Complex Systems Institute.

From 2003 to 2007, Eric Fleury was a professor at the INSA de Lyon.

He received his Master degree in Computer science from EcoleNormaleSupérieure de Lyon, France in 1992. He received his PhD, degree in Computer Science, 1996 in communication and routing in distributed architectures from EcoleNormaleSupérieure de Lyon , and theHabilitation a Diriger des Recherches specializing in group communication in computer networks in 2002 from the Insa de Lyon. From 1998 to 2003, he was a full research officer at INRIA (the french national institute for research in computer science and control). First in the RESEDAS project in Nancy and then in the ARES project since 2002.

His research interests are in the area of wireless network (ad hoc, sensor), pervasive communication and next generation communication network. Until 2007, he was co-heading the INRIA ARES project and he was the co-director of the CITI Lab (Insa de Lyon). He is coordinator for ENS Lyon, UCBL and INSA de Lyon of the research cluster ISLE (n°2) Rhône-Alpes (Computer, Signal and embeded systems)

Professor Fleury was a Visiting Scientist at Michigan State University during the 1997/98 academic year in the research team of Professor Philip K. McKinley. He was the program chair or co-chair of the following events: ACM DIALM, IEEE MSA, AlgoTel. He was the editor of the proceedings of these conferences and is the author of a book chapter on active networking. He is involved in many research projects in wireless networks and autonomic networking in France and Europe. Since 2001, head of the ResCom Networking group (600 researchers) of the CNRS National Coopera- tive Structure « GDR ASR » on Architecture, Networks and Systems, member of the steering committee of the GDR ASR.

PhD Advisor of a dozen of candidates, all currently employed as research officers at Inria (G. Chelius, Nathalie Mitton), CNRS (F. Theoleyre), as assistant professors or in private R&D labs. Currents students are working on dynamic community uncovering, on Individual Based Investigation of Resistance Dis- semination and on Complex networks and overlapping community detection.

From September 2003 to September 2007, Professor Eric Fleury was the chair of the master in Networking, Telecommunications and Services inside the Master of research MaRIA of the University Lyon 1, INSA de Lyon, University Lyon 2, ECL.

From September 2007 to September 2009, Eric Fleury was the chair of the MASTER in fundamental computer science at ENS Lyon. Since September 2007 Eric Fleury is in charge of the new option in modeling complex systems for the Computer Science department. Since September 2009, Eric Fleury is the head of the Computer Science department of ENS Lyon


Kavé Salamatian, has been a full professor of computer science at University of Savoie from 2009. His main areas of researches are Internet measurement and modelling and networking information theory. He was previously reader at Lancaster University, UK and associate professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie. Kavé has graduated in 1998 from Paris SUD-Orsay university, where he worked on joint source channel coding applied to multimedia transmission over Internet for his PhD. In a former life, he graduated with a MBA, and worked on market floor as a risk analyst and on enjoyed being an urban traffic modeler for some years. 

During the past decade he has pursued an active research in Network security in particular in Anomaly/Attack detection and on application recognition, where he is a well-known expert with several papers with more than 300 citations. 

From 2002 to 2005 he has acted as the coordinator of the Metropolis project that deployed the first large scale Internet measurement network in France. After that he has been several years coordinator of the STIC-ASIA program of cooperation between France and Asia on Internet Measurements. In this context he has done several long visits to Japan and South Korea where he held invited professor positions. He has co-advise several Asian Phd students in Internet Measurement. 

From 2011 he is holding a research chair at the Chinese Academy of Science where he have a strong research relationship with China on Future Internet Architecture. He has published in the past couple of year several papers on Chinese social networks like Weibo, RenRen as well as PPTV and Baidu. 

During the past years, Kavé Salamatian have developed a multi disciplinary research activity on Internet Science. He has been the Technical Committee Chair of the First "Internet Science" Conference that was organized in April 2013 in Brussels.

Last Updated: 16 November 2015