18th Asian School on Computer Science

Venue : B 108, Conference Center, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Registration Fee :

Early-bird Registration Fee (till 31st of October)
   Student : 150 USD
   Others : 200 USD
Standard Registration Fee
   200 USD
Click here to register

Number of Participants : Not more than 50



The Asian School of Computer Science is conducted annually by Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. The purpose of the school is to provide short courses conducted by leading experts in the computer science fields enabling local participations from the Asia Pacific region.


Topic : Internet design principles

Nov 25

09:00 - 10:30      Morning session
10:30 - 11:00      Coffee Breaks
11:00 - 12:30      Morning session (Cont.)
12:30 - 13:30      LUNCH
13:30 - 15:00      Afternoon session
15:00 - 15:30      Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00      Afternoon session (Cont.)

Nov 26

09:00 - 10:30      Morning session
10:30 - 10:45      Coffee Breaks
10:45 - 12:00      Morning session (Cont.)

Speakers :

Renata Cruz Teixeira, LIP6-CNRS, Paris, France
Christophe Diot, THOMSON, Paris, France


Tutorial overview:
 Part I: Architecture, design principles and performance of a tier-1 backbone network
 Part II: Internet routing
 Part III: Routing monitoring and impact of hot-potato routing changes
 Part IV: Traffic monitoring and anomaly detection


Tutorial abstract:
This tutorial provides an in-depth description and analysis of the Internet architecture and design principles. It is based on the experiences gained by the speakers from Sprint and AT&T's Tier-1 IP backbone. The tutorial will give a comprehensive understanding of  what the Internet is today; it will help understand the design  choices, and explain the limits and the strengths of the Internet  model. Quality of service will also be discussed extensively, from  new services to the different approaches towards providing these  services.  The tutorial will start with a brief discussion of the  Internet design philosophy and the current hierarchical  organization of the Internet into autonomous systems. We will  describe the current architecture of an IP backbone, providing a  historical perspective on various aspects such as link upgrades,  evolution of Points of Presence (POP), etc. This description will  be illustrated with examples from Sprint's IP backbone networks; elements of generalization to other backbones will also be  discussed. Next, we will explain the backbone design philosophy  encompassing issues such as over-provisioning, QOS, fault tolerance  and manageability. Then, we will discuss routing policies and  practices. We’ll present the Internet routing architecture, give a  brief introduction to intra-domain routing (such as OSPF and IS- IS), and give an operational view of the Border Gateway Protocol  (BGP), which is the inter-domain routing protocol used in the  Internet today. This part will also discuss typical relationships  between networks and traffic engineering practices.

The second day of this tutorial takes a more research perspective  on measuring the Internet. First, we will present techniques for  measuring Internet routing and traffic. This will include  discussions on the types of data that can be captured (packet- level, flow-level, BGP update messages, etc.), possible points of  observation (end-hosts, routers, backbone links, etc.), common  metrics (loss, delay, jitter, etc.) and the notions of active and  passive monitoring. We will describe standard tools and information  sources.  We will conclude this section with some examples of how  measurement can help in the design and engineering of IP backbones  by providing valuable input for resource provisioning, traffic engineering, DoS attack detection and improving network routing  protocol operations. 


ABOUT Speakers:

Renata Teixiera (http://rp.lip6.fr/~teixeira/) received the B.Sc.  degree in computer science and the M.Sc. degree in electrical  engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in  1997 and 1999, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in computer  science from the University of California, San Diego, in 2005, for  which she was awarded the Department of Computer Science and  Engineering Ph.D. Dissertation Award 2005. During her Ph.D.,  Teixeira worked at the AT&T Labs in Florham Park. At AT&T, she  acquired a deep understanding of operation and engineering  practices in large ISP backbones. She is currently a Researcher  with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at  LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Paris, France. Teixeira has served as a program committee member of the most  selective conferences in the networking community (such as ACM  SIGCOMM, IEEE INFOCOM, and ACM IMC). Her research interests are in  measurement and analysis of routing protocols, and in management of  large IP networks.

Christophe Diot  received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from  INP Grenoble in 1991, and HDR in 1996. He was with INRIA Sophia- Antipolis from October 1993 to September 1998, where he pioneered  work on diffserv, multicast, and peer-to-peer multi-player games on  the internet. Diot started and led the IP research group at Sprint  (Burlingame, CA) from October 1998 to April 2003. At Sprint, he  acquired a deep knowledge of large Internet backbone design and  engineering, and pioneered measurement based research. The IPMON  system was the first large scale passive monitoring infrastructure  deployed in an operational backbone. At Intel Research (Cambridge,  UK) from May 2003 to September 2005, Diot started work on network  wide anomaly detection. He is again a pioneer in this area where he  co-authored most of the initial papers in this area. He joined  Thomson in October 2005 to start and manage the Paris Research Lab (http://thlab.net). At Thomson, Diot's research activities focus on advanced peer-to-peer communication services and platforms for the  future Internet. Diot has around 20 patents and more than 200  international publications in top conferences and journals. Diot is  an ACM fellow.

Last Updated: 05 October 2015