Program Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Opening remarks

Ryuji Wakikawa
The latest development of 6G technology
Chair: Ricky K. P. Mok (CAIDA/UCSD)
- What the Tropical Pacific Wants From Starlink for Christmas: Will Leo Networks Finally Bridge the Digital Divide to Remote Islands?
Ulrich Speidel (The University of Auckland)
WebRTC-based measurement tool for peer-to-peer applications and preliminary findings with real users
Kosuke Nakagawa, Manabu Tsukada (The University of Tokyo)
Keiichi Shima (IIJ Innovation Institute)
Hiroshi Esaki (The University of Tokyo)
- Verifying Network Properties in SRv6 based Service Function Chaining
Ryusei Shiiba (Sokendai)
Satoru Kobayashi Osamu Akashi (National Institute of Informatics)
Kensuke Fukuda (National Institute of Informatics/Sokendai)

Invited Talk
Debopam Bhattacherjee
Towards Performant Networking from Low-Earth Orbit

Bruce Maggs
Health Monitoring with Wireless Sensors and Machine Learning
Chair: Youngjoon Won (Hanyang University)
- DRL-FTO: Dynamic Flow Rule Timeout Optimization in SDN using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Faizul Haq, Adeeba Naaz (IIT Hyderabad)
T V Pavan Kumar Bantupalli (IIT Hyderabad)
Kotaro Kataoka (IIT Hyderabad) -
capsAEUL: Slow HTTP DoS Attack Detection using Autoencoders through Unsupervised Learning
Tahir Ahmed Shaik (IIT Hyderabad)
Kotaro Kataoka (IIT Hyderabad)
Chair: Anant Shah (Edgecast)
- Twitch’s CDN as an Open Population Ecosystem
Wei-Shiang Wung (NTU)
Guan-Ting Ting (NTU)
Ruey-Tzer Hsu (NTU)
Cheng Hsu (NTU)
Yu-Chien Tsai (NTU)
Caleb Wang (NTU)
Yuan-Tai Liu (NTU)
Hsi Chen (NTU)
Polly Huang (NTU) -
Learning Regexes to Extract Network Names from Hostnames
Matthew Luckie (University of Waikato)
Alexander Marder
Bradley Huffaker
Kimberly Claffy (CAIDA / UC San Diego)
MAC address randomization tolerant crowd monitoring system using Wi-Fi packet
Yuyi Cai (The University of Tokyo)
Manabu Tsukada (The University of Tokyo)
Hideya Ochiai (The University of Tokyo)
Hiroshi Esaki (The University of Tokyo)

WIDE Project speaker
Takashi Tomine
ARENA-PAC and the future research topics

Invited Talk
Bing Wang
Large-scale Automatic Depression Screening Using Smartphone Data

Invited Talk
Manabu Tsukada
Cooperative Automated Driving Using Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)

Online Classroom Lessons Learned Session
Prométhée Spathis
An analysis of student workflow in COVID-19 times

Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee
Lightning Talks
Posters Session
- Continuous and Secure In-Flight Wireless LAN with Roaming
Hideaki Goto (Tohoku University)
- An Active Forest Fire Surveillance System using Internet
Panjai Tantatsanawong (Silpakorn University)
Veerachai Tanpipat (Kasetsart University)
Apisake Hongwitayakorn (Silpakorn University)
- Capture-Mark-Recapture Twitch’s Video Content Servers: A Validation Study
Wei-Shiang Wung (National Taiwan University)
Cheng Hsu (National Taiwan University)
Guan-Ting Ting (National Taiwan University)
Ruey-Tzer Hsu (National Taiwan University)
Yu-Chien Tsai (National Taiwan University)
Caleb Wang (National Taiwan University)
Yuan-Tai Liu (National Taiwan University)
Hsi Chen (National Taiwan University)
Polly Huang (National Taiwan University)