AINTEC 2021 solicits high quality papers on a wide range of networking topics which include but are not limited to:
- Networking technologies for developing regions
- Disaster networking, including experience with earthquakes and tsunamis
- Internet measurement, analysis, and modeling
- Experience and insights with large-scale, operational systems and networks
- Networking Challenges, Solutions and Experiences with LEO Satellite Networks
- Network measurements, traffic trends and application usages related to Covid'19
- IoT, sensor networking, and applications
- Wireless and mobile networks
- Next-generation 5G mobile networks and applications
- Location management and positioning
- CDNs, Content distribution and caching
- Mobile Video, AR /VR, multimedia systems and applications
- Cloud Computing and Services
- Vehicular communications and applications
- Network operations and management
- Social networks
- Network security and privacy
- Future Internet architectures and technologies
- Quantum networking
Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not have been submitted to another conference or journal for publication. Papers should be no more than 8 pages (2-column, 10pt ACM format) plus unlimited pages for references. All the submissions should be double-blind (more instructions below) and will be peer-reviewed. Per the anonymity guidelines, you must remove any author names. AINTEC 2021 proceedings will be included in the ACM Digital Library.
Word and Latex templates for the submission can be found here (search for "2. The Workflow and Templates"): ACM has partnered with Overleaf, a free cloud-based, collaborative authoring tool, to provide an ACM LaTeX authoring template. When using Latex, the following declaration sets the font size to 10pt, removes the author names, and removes the copyright box: \documentclass[10pt,sigconf,letterpaper,anonymous,nonacm]{acmart}
Submission of a paper implies that should the paper be accepted for publication in the conference proceedings, at least one of the authors will register and present the paper in the conference. Authors of accepted papers must pay for their registration on or before the camera ready version deadline.
Presentations and ParticipationWe hope to hold a hybrid event consisting of both in-presence attendance, as well as remote virtual participation for those authors or attendees who are unable to travel. Depending on the final event format, we may request authors to submit a video presentation for the talk.
Double-blind requirementsAll submitted papers will be assessed through a double-blind review process. This means that the authors do not see who are the reviewers and the reviewers do not see who are the authors. As an author, you should do your best to ensure that your paper submission does not directly or indirectly reveal the authors’ identities. The following steps are minimal requirements for a double-blind submission:
- Remove all personal information about the authors from the paper (e.g., names, affiliations)
- Remove acknowledgements to organizations and/or people
- Any when referring in the paper to your previous work, this should be done similarly to any other work, as if you are not an author of that work.
- Do not add references to external repositories or technical reports that can be used to identify any of the authors or institutions/organizations. You are encouraged to mention that your code will be made available during your submission.
- Uploading a version of the paper to a non-peer-reviewer location is acceptable. The authors should however avoid advertising the paper on popular mailing lists and social media.
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