Paper #
On the Impact of Mobile Network Delays on Connection Establishment Performance of a Carrier Grade NAT Device
Yasuhiro Ohara | NTT Communications Corporation |
Kaname Nishizuka |
Ken'ichi Chinen | Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Kunio Akashi |
Makoto Kohrin | Panasonic System Networks R&D Lab. Co., Ltd. |
Eiichi Muramoto | Panasonic Corporation |
Shin Miyakawa | NTT Communications Corporation |
7 |
LTE Peak Data Rate Estimation Using Modified alpha-Shannon Capacity Formula |
Ali Abdulqader Bin-Salem | National Advanced IPv6 Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia |
Tat-Chee Wan |
Yung-Wey Chong |
Imad J. Mohamad |
14 |
Security Analysis of Software Defined Networking Architectures -- PCE, 4D and SANE |
David Klingel | Department of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt, Germany |
Rahamatullah Khondoker | Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology |
15 |
Security Analysis of Security Applications for Software Defined Networks |
Markus Tasch | Department of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt, Germany |
Rahamatullah Khondoker | Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology |
18 |
Wi-Pi: Distributed Wi-Fi Performance Assessment using Raspberry Pi |
Deepak Bhardwaj | Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad |
Kotaro Kataoka |
Vikash Kumar |
28 |
An Analysis of Data dissemination on MANET using Content Delivery Network (CDN) Technique |
Nattiya Khaitiyakun | Department of ICT, AIT |
Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn | Department of Telecommunications, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand |
Kanchana Kanchanasut | Internet Education and Research Laboratory, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand |
31 |
Comparing NDN and CDN Performance for Content Distribution Service in Community Wireless Mesh Network |
Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee | Internet Education and Research Laboratory, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand |
Preechai Mekbungwan |
Nunthaphat Weshsuwannarugs |
32 |
NetHAM-nano : A Robust and Scalable Service-Oriented Platform for Distributed Monitoring |
Panita Pongpaibool | National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand |
Aimaschana Niruntasukrat |
Chavee Issariyapat |
Koonlachat Meesublak |
Chumpol Mokarat |
Premrudee Aiumsupucgul |
34 |
A Comparative Analysis of Appliance Classifiers for Wireless Classification System |
Kriengsak Panphotong | Burapha University |
Worachet Buasuwarn |
Nutthanon Leelathakul |
44 |
Clustering Spam Campaigns with Fuzzy Hashing |
Jianxing Chen | Saarland University |
Romain Fontugne | National Institute of Informatics / Japanese-French Laboratory for Informatics |
Akira Kato | Keio University |
Kensuke Fukuda | National Institute of Informatics |