24th Asian School on VANETS and Applications

Venue: intERLab, Asian Institute of Technology

December 1-2, 2013
Time: 10:00-17:00

Registration Fee:  AINTEC participants only (otherwise, write to course director kanchana@ait.ac.th)
Number of Participants: not more than 25
RegistrationRegister Here



The Asian School of Computer Science is conducted annually by Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. The purpose of the school is to provide short courses conducted by leading experts in the computer science fields enabling local participations from the Asia Pacific region.


Topic: VANETS and Applications


Professor Giovanni Pau, LIP6, UPMC, France


Course Outline

 I. Introduction to VANET and Applications
    IEEE 802.11p intro
    V2I v.s. V2V v.s. V2V2I
    Applications: Safety, Patrolling, Entertainment, Infrastructure-Management (i.e. vehicular traffic management)

II. Characteristics of Vehicular Networks
    Mobility, Connectivity, Urban v.s. Highway scenarios, network partitioning, density, radio range, propagation, etc.
    Is the current Internet architecture suitable for VANET’s?
    Here I will review the internet architecture principles and highlight  the assumption behind today’s Internet (i.e. full connectivity, etc) that
    What are the new issues and challenges?
    Which Layes of the Internet Architecture need a twist?

III. Discovery and Routing
    Issues to Be addressed
    Dynamic Partition Networks
    Car Torrent, Mobi Eye, Cose Torrent etc..

IV. Open Issues
    Additional Informal Jamming Session
    A clean slate design:

V. Future Internet Architectures In Brief
    Mobility First
    Implementation Issues
    Preliminary Results
    How to Find the Node?
    Transport Layer
    Issues to be addressed
    Intermittent connectivity
    Application Driven Protocols


About the Speaker:

Professor Giovanni Pau ...TBA.

Last Updated: 05 October 2015