Committee Members
Application Workshops
Title: Strengthening Efforts of Telemedicine by Deployment of CanalAVIST Application among TEIN3 Communities
Proponent : NEPAL NREN
Schedule : 4-5 August 2010
Website :
Final Report :
Tele-medicine, an important component of e-health, is one of the most rewarding and promising achievements of the advances in information and communication technology. It has unfolded the possibility of narrowing the gap between developed and underdeveloped countries, between cities and villages and between the 'haves' and 'have nots'. Through making services available to the needy in remotest areas, telemedicine can reduce mortality, morbidity, expenses, psychological strains and can be a very useful tool for producing health for the people at large. In South Asia, various constraints have limited the practice of telemedicine to methods that rely on small bandwidth. Store-and-forward technique is still the most widely used method in e-health. Tele-medicine as understood in more developed countries is still far away. Real time video-conferencing between centrally located experts and health-workers in remote areas seem to be a relatively advanced practice in this context. All this has been important armamentarium in the fight for health. Obviously though, all this is still far from adequate in addressing health needs of people. High definition real time video-conferencing has become an urgent necessity.
TEIN3 communities are currently seeking the application that will strengthen the current efforts that had already initiated by the respective countries in their region focusing on tele-medicine. Bandwidth constraints were our major problems but after connecting with TEIN3 it has been resolved and the next question is appropriate application for the quality visual transmission as well as regional collaboration. CanalAVIST has been working on high definition video transmission as well as creating best learning environment for research and education communities.
Objectives of the workshop
The workshop will organize in Kathmandu during the TEIN3 NOC training at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok. TEIN3 member countries, CanalAVIST members and all the interested research and education communities will remotely participate in the event. The newly connected TEIN3 members and some south Asian countries will share their knowledge and practical experience through the medium of CanalAVIST broadcasting facilities from their respected countries.
Title: Cultural Heritage of Performing Arts over Future Internet
Proponent : Boncheol Goo, Graduate School of Culture Technology in KAIST
Schedule : 20-21 October 2010
Workshop Report:
Nowadays, mutual exchange of global culture occurs frequently, in various ways. One of the most efficient and effective way to achieve sound collaboration is utilizing computer network. However, all tasks of collaboration cannot be done online, especially at the beginning stage of network collaboration, for example. Socializing party members or establishing community is essential part of the whole project. This consortium, which is interested in building cultural exchange linkage over the world, tries to hold workshop on cultural heritage over future internet. And the workshop will be the first step of that goal. Beginning with the workshop, this consortium will make consistent effort to expand creativity of performing arts and derive cultural commonality from diverse activity. This workshop will contribute to future internet by creating and operating new applications regarding human culture.
Title: "Building Sustainable Global Collaborations in a Distributed World: Challenges for NRENs, Industry and the growth of Regional Data Centers”
Proponent: Ashley Lloyd and Terry Sloan
Schedule: November 2010
Workshop Report:
The federation of data is not a new concept, but whilst corporate computing models have been seen as disruptive technologies that cause industry structure to oscillate between physical and logical centralization, the value of corporate data to a company, its collaborators and its competition has steadily increased. The complexity of global supply chains and the move to distributed computing models means that the extraction of value from this data is a specialized task that often requires both expertise and computing resources that sit outside the ‘private’ walls of the company. The implications for infrastructure of any ‘new models of computing’ are far‐reaching and range in scale from harnessing the parallelism in modern microprocessor design to new algorithms for data mining that can handle high degrees of data federation with fewer passes over data that should not be replicated for efficiency reasons and may not be for privacy and confidentiality reasons. This workshop explores a set of issues that explores the tensions between computational efficiency and the constraints on data access and use underpinning the growth and sustainability of global collaborations around shared access to data, expertise and compute resource. In particular it considers the role of regional rather than global data centers and what this might offer collaborations around data whose potential value to organizational competitiveness cannot be assessed before it is accessed.
The objectives are to bring together industry, government and academic participants to explore these issues from differing social, technical and legal perspectives, structured by a critical focus on existing Eurasian collaborations carried by GEANT & TEIN3 infrastructure across a region inhabited by more than 70% of the world’s population and the majority of current economic growth.
Expected Results
This workshop brings together existing collaborators on European and East Asian projects that share similar data federation and computational demands but comprise a range of social, legal
and business contexts. This allows the workshop to gather lessons from existing and recent collaborations and focus on how these might be developed by the participants.
This leads to two specific outputs: